Prehospital Childbirth Without Complications
Pregnancy and childbirth for EMS Usually, pregnancy and the delivery of the baby do not require interaction with EMS. If it does and there are no complications encountered, the delivery of the baby will be an enjoyable experience for both the mom and the EMS provider. CAPCE # 19MEDN- F3-3028
Prehospital Complications of Childbirth
Every year, thousands of childbirth occur in the United States. Sometimes, EMS is called and field delivery is inevitable. However, complications do occasionally arise and EMS personnel must be prepared to deal with those emergencies. Review reproductive anatomy, obstetric patient assessment, and learn to identify pregnancy and delivery complications.
Preventing Medical Errors & Medication Delivery in EMS
Medical errors for EMS The purpose of this program is to provide EMS Providers and health care workers with an extensive look at the various medical errors and malpractices that might occur in a medical facility. The program will take a close look at the most common medical errors that happen on a daily basis, …
Preventing Medical Errors & Medication Delivery in EMS Read More »
Pain Management and End of Life Care in EMS
The purpose of this program is to provide EMS providers and other health care workers with an overview and understanding of the different types of EOLC (End of Life Care), such as Assisted Living, In-home care, Skilled Nursing Facility, Hospice Care and Palliative Care. EMS pain management is then discussed, with specific focus on end …